Iranian President [of regional security is also important to Japan] ...

India's military power | Jiji term encyclopedia | information ...

Iranian President [of regional security is also important to Japan] ... Defense expenditure in India is 100 million dollars to 2.0 years, which is the first position of the scale world (according to SIPRI0). National defense expenses of GDP account for. Is, by rapid economic growth, Japan (third place, about 0 billion US dollars) in the next few years is expected to surpass. A country with 00 million people more than the Army troops in the world some countries, including India (the other is China, the United States, Russia, and North Korea). India, Pakistan from the west in a clockwise direction, China (Tibet), Nepal, Bhutan, to share Bangladesh, and Myanmar, the border that spans more than ten thousand kilometers. Chupa is the border and deploy the regular army, mainly border police have been deployed to the other border. Just split the defense budget has been assigned to the Army. The Indian Army, there is an experience of foreign troops from the British colonial era. This is the Indian army in PKO of the United Nations has also become one of the background to participate frequently.
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